Fires & Hazmat
Wood River Fire & Rescue responds to both structure and non-structure (wildland) fires. Most fires to which WRFR responds are structure fires. The department’s fire suppression apparatus provides the ability to fight fires that are in the smallest of homes to the largest of buildings in the Wood River Fire Protection District. All WRFR fire fighters are equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) that allow them, while wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), to enter a burning building to fight a fire and to search for people that might be trapped. While the equipment the firefighters use allows them to enter and search as safely as possible, it does not eliminate the danger to their lives. An emergency request for mutual aid is communicated to other fire departments in the area when WRFR is dispatched to a structure fire and it is determined that the available equipment and/or personnel are not sufficient. Likewise, WRFR may receive a request for assistance from other fire departments as needed. A mutual aid request to one or more fire departments is made to ensure a fire is suppressed quickly and safely with as little property damage as possible.
WRFR is also trained and equipped to mitigate Hazardous Materials releases within the Fire Protection District’s jurisdiction. If an incident becomes too large for WRFR to manage, additional assistance may be requested from our county-wide Haz-Mat team or the Idaho State Regional Response Team located in Jerome, ID. |
The other major type of fire to which WRFR responds are wildland fires. A wildland fire is a non-structure fire in an area where development is essentially non-existent, except for roads, railroads, powerlines and similar transportation facilities When WRFR is dispatched to a wildland fire, very often assistance is requested from area fire departments and federal departments. Wildland fires can grow rapidly so WRFR has to be prepared to protect lives and property in the event that the fire should reach populated areas. Requesting help from other departments can be crucial in ensuring that the fire is contained as quickly and safely as possible. Federal departments can provide additional firefighters, and equipment such as helicopters, dozers, and water and slurry bombers. |